The instructions of the Pediatrician are  explicit and categorical: “Dive him in the  sea as soon as he is born. Babies are so  familiar with water exactly as fish … . If  some babies are born “mermaids” or  “sorgoes”, some others are disgusted  with water and are really afraid of it .

According to scientific studies, not all  children are “lovers” of the sea, nor do  they achieve the same resistances on  the scale of fear.  Every child is a special case, a different  entity of which we have to respect the  preferences. Many parents, however,  are throwing anchor in their own  personal “wanting” forcing children to  love the sea directly or indirectly,  perhaps ignoring the fact that no love is  gained either by the strength or by the  stiffness. Big mistake, since experts  have pointed out from time to time that  no “miraculous” sea water and no  exercise on the sea are beneficial if they  are not made with joy and appetite from  the child. My own child is, for the time  being, in the category of those who do  not love the sea. Neither the pool. Not  the fish either. Not even the mermaids.  Neither Nemo.    For example she loves to hang on the  deckchair, to drink frozen juices, to  browse magazines and to repeat in  imperative style every two minutes  “Andea I need to go to the toilet !” I tried  everything, I read everything, bought it  all and “I saw everything” to change it .  No. This, the third summer of his life, is  not going to be transformed into a shark  that will run threateningly out of him for  sinking at the “elbow” at the moment he  screams. Nor will I try to buy one of her  plunge with tons of orange juice and ice  cream promises. This summer, I will let  him sit on his sunbed, with his juices,  his magazines, the cliche expression  “Anda wants to go the toilet !” Regards  to the contemporary child  psychologist’s notion that advices that  children need to be more  free. The freer  it can by by our own stereotypes.

Ten tips for marine adventure

1.  Before going to the sea, cultivate a  feeling of joy. Talk about toys with  water and towers in the sand.

2.  First, play with him at a great distance  from the edge of the sea, taking care to  often watery it with seawater.

3.  Never push the child into the sea and  never attempt to dive with it. Such a  move can make it dislike the sea (and  you) for a long time.

4.  Even if it is true, do not show the child  that you are afraid of water. Your panic  is not only perceived by the child but  transmitted as if it is Illness.

5. Do not show him that you want to  swim. Act as you are  … indifferent!

6. Avoid seas with waves, icy waters  and rocks.

7.  Walk slowly into the water by holding  the child in your arms, standing or on  the side, speaking calmly, smiling and  facing his face towards yours.

8.  The bracelets or the life jacket do not need before the child becomes familiar  with the sea and this will be easier if you  feel safe in your arms.

9.  Slowly immerse his whole body in the  water, which should not overcome his  shoulders

10. Do not keep it stagnant, but move  softly into the sea and do various toys  with hands and feet.

11.  If the child does not want to get into  the water, you have to retreat and leave  the beach by postponing the “bathroom”  business for the next day


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